workshops: ableton live 9 by maya c. sternel & madeleine bloom, isadora + ableton live by stratofyzika
keynote: social networks and gendered trajectories in european dj cultures by rosa reitsamer
panel #3: bookers’ round table – decision-making and booking routine, panel #4: artists’ round table – experiences and strategies
networking and music with caro c on delia derbyshire (live presentation), club night with chra, kritzkom, chez mieke, gudrun gut, ada, mimicof, tina z (vj), kalma (vj), sarah farina, elektro moon (vj), mieko suzuki, pilocka krach, electric indigo, sharon schael, mo (vj), acid maria, ipek, aikia (vj) & silva rymd all photos are protected by german and international copyright laws. photos: marco.microbi
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