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       Niklas Roy is a media artist based in Berlin with a stunning talent in the construction of
       electro-mechanic devices and machines. His 'Dokumat 500' is a fully automatic documentary robot.
       The Robot consists of a modified tripod and a VHS-C camera. Once switched on, the tripod moves
       around independently and pans and tilts the camera. For the robot itself, the only source of
       data is thirteen infrared rangefinders that prevent it from collisions and falling. Independently
       of what happens around the robot, the video camera records clips of between two and twelve seconds
       that are edited together instantly to a finished documentation. The moment when the camera is
       recording is shown by a spotlight that is mounted next to it. By that, people who are standing near
       the camera get the opportunity to stage themselves in front of it. Though the device itself can
       hardly be called interactive, due to its autonomy and agility in combination with its obvious
       curiosity it provides us with very exciting situations when people are interacting with it.
